progressive web apps since 2019.
Sapwavino Samari is a human being that designs, develops and deploys mobile-first user-friendly progressive web applications that make life easier for individuals and businesses with technologies like Javascript, Python, Google Firebase, Vue js, & Amazon Web Services.
Lumen Bar & Grill
Location: 🇬🇭
Platforms: 📱🖥️
A web app for placing and managing orders at Lumen Bar & Grill Eastern
Region, Ghana. It comes with a fully managed admin panel, flutterwave
payment gateway and realtime data storage for the menu using Firebase.
[Note:] This is not a demo. You will be charged for orders you
- Nuxt Js
- Google Firebase
- Flutterwave
- Tailwind CSS
Serah Johnson
Location: 🇳🇬🌍
Platforms: 📱🖥️
Serah johnson is a professional voice actor and coach with years of
experience in radio and voice acting. This web app was designed to
enable her onboard new clients easily and showcase her work with a
custom audio player and contact form.
[Note:] It works. Reach out to her for your projects.
- Nuxt Js
- Google Firebase
- Flutterwave
- Tailwind CSS